So Natha's been doing lots of misbehaving...
...and it's really wearing on me. He was sick for so long that I think I (and other people) excused his behavior to a point, and now he's better and taking advantage of that. It may also be that kids take a developmental/behavioral step backwards when they get ill, and Natha's been a prime example in the past and may be so now. I think the solution is go back to where we made a big point about behaving and go back to more stict consequences when he doesn't listen. He's been acting like he *used* to instead of what he can act like, and it's time to whip him back into shape. We had lightened up a little because he had started behaving better, but he's not anymore.
Natha's been doing better reading now, and he's starting to want to say what letters are in a word that is on something, like this morning it was Country Crock. After he said all the individual letters, I asked him what that said, and he said 'butter'. Needless to say, we've got a ways to go, phonetically speaking.
Ed and I now have a family membership to the YMCA, and started working out on sunday - we played racquetball on sunday, then went and did some cardio yesterday. He's kind of back on the subway diet, and we're trying to make it a family ordeal, so we still get the bonding even though we're eating take-out. I'd like to go to a yoga class tonight since we don't have Natha, but who knows if I can talk Ed into going for yoga purposes. I'm sure he'd love to go play racquetball, but my desire to play racquetball is about as high as his desire to listen to hip-hop. But, just like him, I don't mind it too much, and I have fun because he's there and enjoying it - not because I'm hitting the ball or taking the game seriously. So, honey, if you can put up with the occasional hip-hop/disco/dance music, I can go play racquetball a couple of times a week. It doesn't do it for me, but you do. :)
We're watching Godzilla vs. Megalon, something Ed and I recorded off of the SciFi channel on sunday. If you skip the first 20 minutes, it's pretty Godzilla vs. ______ action heavy. Gigan even makes an appearance. The music is hilarious, though. Since it's from the early 70's, it's got that kind of hippie-chick music that spewed forth the jam bands we have today, or it's silly austin powers-ish stuff. It's almost over, though, then it's time to take him to his dad's.
I'm wearing the skirt I bought on sunday at Goodwill - it's a liz claiborne long black with white polka-dots. For $4, you can't beat it. It's nice and summery, and makes the fact that I wear funny t-shirts almost all the time less boy-like. I decided that as long as I'm wearing a skirt, I look like a girl, regardless of the top I'm wearing. Wearing skirts makes Ed happy (and me too)... and it's good that I'm wearing skirts, because I'd burn up in jeans and be branded the neighborhood hussy if I wore the shorts outside that I wear inside. I've always had a tendency to brazenly wear short shorts - that's my other epitaph. The one I already have is 'Tends to run off with boys.'. Natha's is 'Dandelion sniffer and Godzilla freak'. Ed's is "He bought lunch.' I'm trying to remember what Erin's is... I'm sure I'll think of it soon...
Natha's just received his first 'follow up on a warning' spanking. I'm just going to have to not put up with it - which is hard for me...
Ah, later I should be back. Who knows, though...
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