So I've finished updating the grades in excel...
so that when my general biology students take their final today, I can grade them and send the grades off later tonight. I hope they do well - if they don't it's certainly not from a lack of preparation on my part...
I'm about to go get a snack, then go to seminar (I think we have it today, but I'm not sure) before I proctor the final...
Natha and I didn't get the grill to work last night (I think it sensed I was a woman and wanted no part of a woman cooking with a grill) so no accidents there. Natha didn't want to go to sleep, he wanted me to sleep in my bed - to which I replied no - Mommy has her bed and Natha has his bed, and that's just how it is.
I talked to Ed on MSN messenger for a while last night while I was in bed... at least we chatted for a while without running up a phone bill... I can imagine what his voice mail is going to look like when he gets to it since his Cricket doesn't work outside Tennessee... I'll be glad when he's back, though...
Time to go track some people down and see what the deali-yo is about this here final. I've got to work on some things for school tonight so I can clear the afternoon for Ed tomorrow, so I might not be back until tomorrow. I'll try, though. It's somehow a lot easier to blog when Ed's not here (since he's not standing over me with the whip - just kidding!) since there aren't other adults residing in the house to converse with. Natha's cool, but he's no Ed.
Ah. I'm sleepy. Natha woke up at 6:30 and Ed and I were chatting until 11:15. Sure, that doesn't seem like a lack of sleep to *you*, but I need about 8.5 hours to be completely within my wits. I'll catch up a bit more tonight, hopefully...
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